photo credit: marydoughtery.net
Moving again. For the 11th time in 10 years.
Sometimes I wonder when the constant motion in my life will end. Don't get me wrong - I have loved my life. I'm SO thankful for all the experiences - good and bad - that my little heart has gone through. But I'm SO done with packing/rearranging and starting over! I wish all my peeps were all in one zip-code. Or how about one time-zone?
All the exhilaration and the newness of things inevitably gives way to the familiar. And my eyes always scans for the familiar - even in the midst of so much unknown.
And I'm grateful to have a life where I have experienced what I have: several international and domestic moves, friendship, loss, joy, love, grief, uncertainty, comfort, beauty, sadness. Through all this, all the wonderful people I've met who have taught me so much!
Part of me is always scared with every new step I've taken. And another part of me always says, 'Do it Devina, take that step. If you don't, you'll always wonder'. I think I get this spunky part from my amazing mother, who has taught me so much!
So - here I am. Taking yet another step in the unknown and about to start a new life.
At least this time, it's not completely unknown. I'm moving back to Washington, DC, where I lived for a short 6-months last year. For a new job that I'm so excited about! Doing work that I feel called to do. With an organization whose mission I believe in.
Seriously?! Who'd have thunk? Me - a simple girl from Mombasa, Kenya would be here? If you had told me back in Kenya that I would be here - a masters-degree doing work that fulfills the calling that God has placed in my life - I would have laughed at you!
This simply gives me so much hope for other areas of my life where I'm still waiting. My Lord is a giver of good things! He has provided for me beyond measure, and He will continue to be faithful. So, in-spite of the uncertainty and potential nuttiness that life will bring in next months as I acclimate back to our nation's capital, thankfulness is still the song I'm singing!